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Charles Coffin, 1676-1749




シャルル・コファンは、パリ大学のデュ・プレッシス・カレッジで学んだ。1712年に歴史学者シャルル・ロランの後を継いでボーヴェのカレッジの校長に就任。1718年にはパリ大学の学長に就任した。1727年にはラテン語の詩をいくつか出版し、1736年には「the Paris Breviary」(パリ聖書日課)と「Hymni Sacri Auctore Carolo Coffin」(コファンによる聖賛歌)に、多くの讃美歌詩を発表した。1755年には、彼の全作品が2巻で出版された。彼は100以上の讃美歌詩を残している。

Dei canamus gloriam
(別名:Sing We the Glory of Our God
Die dierum principe
(別名:Morn of Morns, and Day of Days
Exiit cunis pretiosus infans
(別名:Now from His Cradle
Grates, peracto jam die
(別名:Day Is Past and Done, The
Iisdem creati fluctibus
(別名:The Fish in Wave, the Bird on Wing
In noctis umbrâ desides
(別名:When Shades of Night Around Us Close
Instantis adventum Dei
(別名:Advent of Our God, The)
(別名:Advent of Our God and King, The)
(別名:Advent of Our God at Hand, The)
(別名:Advent of Our King, The)
(別名:Coming of Our God, The)
(別名:Lest the Comer Tarry Long)
(別名:Lift Up the Advent Strain)
(別名:Our God Approaches from the Skies)
(別名:To Hail Thine Advent, Lord)
(別名:To Haste Thine Advent from the Skies)
Jam desinant suspiria
(別名:God from on High Hath Heard)
(別名:Let Sighing Cease and Woe)
Jam sanctius moves opus
(別名:And Now, O God, Thy Mind Resolves)
(別名:A Greater, Holier Work This Day)
(別名:Now a Holier Work, O Lord)
(別名:Today, O Lord, a Holier Work)
(別名:Today, O Lord, Thy Mind Receives)
(別名:Today, O Lord, Thy Will Resolves)
Jordanis oras praevia
(別名:On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry)
Jubes: et, in praeceps aquis
(別名:He Spake! and Gathering into One)
(別名:He Speaks the Word; the Floods Obey)
(別名:Thou Spakest, Lord, and into One)
(別名:Word Is Given, the Waters Flow, The)
Labente jam solis rota (Prono volutus impetu)
(別名:As Now the Sun’s Declining Rays)
Lo! from the Desert Homes)
Miramur, O Deus, Tuae
(別名:New Wonders of Thy Mighty Hand)
(別名:O God Supreme! In Rapt Amaze)
(別名:O God, Thy Wonder Working Hand)
(別名:O God, We Behold How Thy Wondrous Might)
(別名:The Wonders of the Almighty Hand)
O fons amoris, Spiritus
(別名:O Holy Spirit, Fount of Love)
(別名:O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace)
(別名:O Spirit, Fount of Holy Love)
(別名:O Spirit, Fount of Love, Unlock Thy Temple Door)
O quam juvat fratres, Deus
(別名:Father and God, How Sweet to See)
(別名:Happy Are They, They That Love God)
(別名:How Sweet It Is to See, Brethren in Unity)
(別名:How Sweet the Days, O Lord, Are Sped)
(別名:O God, Our Loving God, by Whom Thy Church)
(別名:O God, What Joys Around Are Shed)
(別名:O Lord, How Joyful ’Tis to See)
Opprobriis, Jesu, satur
(別名:O Scorned and Outcast Lord)
Opus peregisti tuum
(別名:Anointed One! Thy Work Is Done)
(別名:Blest Savior, Now Thy Work Is Done)
(別名:O Christ! Thy Love Its Work Hath Done)
(別名:O Savior, Who for Man Hast Trod)
(別名:Redeemer, Now Thy Work Is Done)
(別名:Thy Glorious Work, O Christ, Is Done)
Quae stella sole pulchrior
(別名:Hail the Day, When in the Sky)
(別名:How Lovely in the Eastern Sky)
(別名:What Star Is This―More Glorious Far)
(別名:What Star Is This That Beams So Bright)
Rebus creatis nil egens
(別名:O Christ, in Thine All-Blissful State)
(別名:O God, the Joy of Heav’n Above)
(別名:Our God, in His Celestial Seat)
(別名:Thou Dost Not Need Creation’s Aid)
(別名:Thou of the Things Created Nothing Needing)
(別名:Thou That Lack’st No Created Thing)
Supreme Motor cordium
(別名:Great Mover of All Hearts)
(別名:Lord of the Hearts of Men)
Tandem peractis O Deus
(別名:At Length Creation’s Days Are Past)
(別名:At Length the Six Days’ Course Is Past)
(別名:At Length, O God, Thy Work Is Done)
(別名:And Now Thy Labors, Lord, Are Done)
(別名:Six Days of Labor Now Are Past)
Te laeta, mundi Conditor
(別名:Creator, Majesty Divine)
(別名:Creator of the World, to Thee)
(別名:Maker of Earth, to Thee Alone)
(別名:Thee, Maker of the World, Doth Rest)
(別名:Thou Creator, Art Possessed)
(別名:Thou Great Creator, Art Possessed)
(別名:Thou, Lord, in Endless Rest)