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James Edmeston, 1791-1867




ジェイムズ・エドメストンは、建築家であり測量士でもあった。ホーマートンの聖バーナバス教会で、信徒として教区委員を務めた。またロンドン孤児院を熱心に支援し、頻繁に訪れた。彼は毎週日曜日に1曲ずつ、合計2,000 曲の讃美歌を書いたと言われている。

The Search, and Oth­er Po­ems, 1817
Sacred Lyr­ics, 1820–22
The Cot­tage Min­strel (Lon­don: F. West­ley, 1821)
One Hun­dred Hymns for Sun­day Schools, 1821
Missionary Hymns, 1822
Patmos, a Frag­ment, and Oth­er Po­ems, 1824
The Wo­man of Shu­nam, and Oth­er Po­ems, 1829
Fifty Orig­in­al Hymns (North­amp­ton, Eng­land & Lon­don: J. Cole & Long­man, 1833)
Hymns for the Cham­ber of Sick­ness (Lon­don: Re­li­gious Tract So­ci­e­ty, 1844)
Closet Hymns and Po­ems, 1844
Infant Breath­ings, Be­ing Hymns for the Young, 1846
Sacred Po­et­ry (London: James Nisbet, 1848)

Along My Earth­ly Way
As Oft, with Worn and We­ary Feet
Change Is Writ­ten Ev­ery­where
Dark Ri­ver of Death That Is Flow­ing
Come Sac­red Peace, De­light­ful Guest
Eternal God, Be­fore Thy Throne
Fixed up­on God as on a Rock
For Thee We Pray and Wait
Fountain of Grace
God En­trusts to All
God Is Here: How Sweet the Sound
How Sweet the Light of Sab­bath Eve
Is There a Time When Mo­ments Flow
Lead Us, Heav­en­ly Fa­ther
Light of Sab­bath Eve, The
Little Trav­el­ers Zi­on­ward
May We, Lord, Re­joic­ing Say
作曲作品:, Bring Thy Sweet­est Trea­sures
O Thou Whose Mer­cy Guides My Way
Parting Soul, the Flood Awaits Thee
Roll On, Thou Migh­ty Ocean
Savior, Breathe an Ev­en­ing Bless­ing
Sweet Is the Light of Sab­bath Eve
’Tis Sweet up­on Our Pil­grim­age
Wake, Harp of Zi­on
Welcome, Breth­ren, En­ter In
When Shall the Voice of Sing­ing
When the Worn Spir­it Wants Re­pose
Why Should I, in Vain Re­pin­ing