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John H., Jr. Hopkins, 1820-1891




John Henry Hopkins, Jr. (1820-1891)


バーモントの司教だったJohn H. Hopkinsの息子。Hopkinsはバーモント大学を卒業(1839年に学士号、1845年に修士号)した。

ニューヨーク市では彼はレポーターとして働き、将来法律関係に進もうと備えていた。実際にはゼネラル・セミナリーに進み、1850年に卒業した。そしてセミナリーで最初の音楽教師となり(1855-57)、Church Journal誌の編集者を務めた(1853-68)。Hopkinsはまた長老を務め(1850)、司祭を務め(1872)、ニューヨーク州プラッツバーグのトリニティ教会とペンシルベニア州ウィリアムズポートのキリスト教会で司祭を務めた。

Carols, Hymns and Songs, 1863-82
Canticles Noted with Accompanying Harmonies, 1866

Hughes (Charles William Hughes、『American Hymns Old and New: Notes on the Hymns and Biographies of the Authors and Composers』、New York: Columbia University Press, 1980)、p. 436
Julian (John Julian、『Dictionary of Hymnology, second edition』、London: J. Murray, 1907)、p. 1571
Stulken (Marilyn Kay Stulken、『Hymnal Companion to the Lutheran Book of Worship』、Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press, 1981)、p. 299

Alleluia! Christ Is Risen Today!
Awake! Awake! 'Tis Easter Morn
Be Light and Glad, in God Rejoice
Blow On, Thou Mighty Wind
Christ Our King to Heaven Ascendeth
Christmas Comes Again
Come with Us, O Blessed Jesus
Early Ere the Dawn of the Morning
Evergreen, Holly and Laurel
Forth from Egypt's House of Bondage
Gather Around the Christmas Tree
Glory to God the Father Be
God Hath Made the Moon
God of Our Fathers, Bless This Our Land
I Said, I Will Look to My Ways
Jesu, Fount of Pleasure
Lord, Now Round Thy Church Behold
Mercy, Good Lord, Mercy I Ask
O, Come to the Savior, for Why Will You Die?
O Tell Us, Ye That from Your Home
O Turn Ye, for Why Will Ye Die?
Our Lord Is Risen Today
Praise to the Father, the Glorious King of Creation
Roman Soldier, Tell Us True
Sadly in the Gathering Gloom
Shepherds of Bethlehem, The
Slumberers, Wake, the Bridegroom Cometh
Thy Praise Alone, O Lord, Doth Reign
We Three Kings
When from the East the Wise Men Came
Ye Righteous, in the Lord Rejoice
