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Mary A. Lathbury, 1841-1913


作詞:179番「主よ 命のことばを」



Aunt May
Aunt Mary

メソジストの牧師の娘であるラスバリーは、マサチューセッツ州ウスターで美術を学び、バーモント州のニューベリー・アカデミー(Newbury Academy)とニューヨークで美術とフランス語を教えた。また、聖ニコラス教会ハーパー青年会(St. Nicholas, Harper’s Young People)と、ワイド・アウェイク(Wide Awake)のために作品を書いた。彼女はニューヨーク州シャトークア近郊のシャトークワ運動(Chautauqua Movement)に関わり、「シャトークアの桂冠詩人(poet laureate of Chautauqua)」として知られるようになった。美術と詩作の賜物について、彼女はこう語っている。

Woman and Temperance; or, the Work and Workers of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, with Frances Elizabeth Willard, 1883
Ring-a-Round-a-Rosy: Pictures and Verse (R. Worthington, 1885)
Poems of Mary Artemisia Lathbury, Chautauqua Laureate (The Nunc Licet Press, 1915)

Alleluia, It Is Done, Christ Is Risen
Angels, the Angels, The
Arise, All Souls, Arise
Awake, and Sing
Behold, One Standeth at the Door and Calleth
Billows of Deep Distress
Break Thou the Bread of Life
Chautauqua, Priestess of the Old
Child at the Door, The
Come, O Happy Children Come
Day Is Dawning in the East
Day Is Dying in the West
Dove and the Raven, The
Easter Carol
Easter Song
Every Lily in the Meadow
Floating, Floating, Gaily Singing as We Row
Flush of Morn, the Setting sun, The
Hail, Happy Day, All Hail the Welcome Morn
Heart of Jesus, Rent in Twain
Heavens Declare Thy Glory, The
I Hear the Tread of Men and Nations
Incense from Dews of the Morning
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Descending from the Skies
Join, O Friends, in a Memory Song
Life in the Loom
Lift Up, Lift Up Thy Voice
Lift Up O Little Children
Lift Up Your Voices
Like the Surge of Hidden Waters
Lord, from Thine Altars on Every Mountain
The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
Lord of All Life, the Near, the Far
Lord of the Morning, Dews Are Ascending
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, in Thy Shadows
O River of the Life of God
O Shepherd of the Nameless Fold
O Sing the Passing Years
O Trust Ye in the Lord Forever
O Wondrous World Within a World
Open the Gates
Open the Windows of the World
Pilgrim, Rest, a Well of Life
Ring, O Bells Beside the Shore
Shrine of the Singer, The
Sing P’ans Over the Past
Snowdrops, Lift Your Timid Heads
Soft Through the Fading Light
Song of Praise, A
Song of Seven Years, A
Sound Is Thrilling Through the Trees, A
Spring Up, O Well, Spring Up
Sunset of the Year, The
There Lies a Little City in the Hills
Trees Are Crowned with Glory, The
Wake, O Winds, Among the Hills
When the Day Is High and Clear
Winds Are Wandering Through the Trees, The
Winds Are Whispering to the Trees, The
Young Soldiers of the Legion